Partisan Social Club

Andy Hewitt & Mel Jordan were members of the Freee art collective from 2005 until 2017.

They formed the Partisan Social Club (PSC) in 2018 with the aim to operate as a contingent collective. The Partisan Social Club is an evolving provisional collective with multiple identities which assembles members through specific projects. The PSC develops participatory works and co-learning initiatives with new members to make language-based artworks in which people publish their ideas to each other and to audiences via exhibitions and other formats, these include printed matter, objects and digital platforms.

Recent exhibitions include: ‘Social Montage: Speak-Act-Print-Publish!’, Edinburgh Printmakers, 2019; ‘On Being Together; Memberships, Collectives and Unions’, Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall, London, 2018; ‘Citizen Ship’, Milton Keynes Gallery, UK, 2017; ‘National Museum of Gallery Visitors and Museum Workers’, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, UK, 2017; ‘Freee-Carracci-Institute’, NN Contemporary Art Northampton, UK, 2016; ‘Twice Political’, for the exhibition ‘Critical Machines’, AUBArt Gallery, Beirut, 2014; ‘Taking Sides’, Part of theGame, nGbK, Berlin, 2014; ‘Mom, Am I Barbarian?’13th Istanbul Biennial, 2013; ‘Agoraphobia’, TANAS, Berlin, 2013.

Andy Hewitt (born Hull 1966) is an artist and Associate Professor in Art & the Public Sphere at The University of Northampton. Mel Jordan  (born London, 1966) is Professor of Art and the Public Sphere in the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) at Coventry University. Jordan was Head of Contemporary Art at the Royal College of Art before joining the CPC. Hewitt and Jordan recently formed The Partisan Social Club, a provisional group including artists, designers and researchers.  As part of the Freee art collective Hewitt and Jordan exhibited widely, most notably at the 13th Istanbul Biennale, BAK, Utrecht, and the Liverpool Biennial. Hewitt and Jordan have made a significant contribution to the understanding of art’s social function through articulating its role as a type of opinion formation in the public domain.

IMAGE: Social Montage: Speak-Act-Print-Publish! Documentation (slogan-box mash-up), Partisan Social Club. With thanks Kate Davis, Lorenzo Robinson, Madeleine Wood, Jack Whitelock. Edinburgh Printmakers 2019.  VIEW PROJECT